Branga Plants

Having only a very scant knowledge of Australian native plants the approach to the garden since we took ownership has been one of caution. The property is on the edge of remnant rainforest and has the potential for lots of interesting natives as well as lots of weeds. 

Whilst I have removed some of the obvious weeds I have left other plants to grow. As I spot something interesting I have attempted to identify it and have used a very good plant identification Facebook group to help out. Here are a few of the natives that have just sprung up and some others which have been purchased and planted. Please let me know if I have any of the identifications wrong.

This massive turpentine sits at the entrance to our property. It is estimated to be over 400 years old

There are lots of these Acia Schinoides (Green Cedar Wattle)

This Cissus Antarctica (Kangaroo Vine) is everywhere. It is native but needs controlling

One of my favourites, this is Neolitsea Dealbata (Hairy Leaved Bollygum)

Pseuderanthemum Variable (Pastel Flower)

The spiky leaves on this Solanum prinopyllum (Dunal) are fascinating

Rubus Rosifolius (native Raspberry)

This Doodia Aspera (Rasp Fern) is springing up in the rainforest area

There are a lot of these Wilkiea Huegeliana springing up

Diplogottis Australis  (Native Tamarind)

This is Persicaria decipiens (Slender knotweed) which is doing a good job of stabilising the bank of the stream

One of the first plantings this is Davidsonia Pruruens (Davidson Plum)

Another planting Correa baeuerlenii (Chefs Hat Correa)

Backhousia Myrtifolia (Grey Myrtle)

These Melaleuca inariifolia (Seafoam) apparently enjoy wet conditions so they should be happy by the stream
